Home » ‘Tis the Season to Stress Less: 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Holiday Season

‘Tis the Season to Stress Less: 5 Ways to Upgrade Your Holiday Season

And just like that, the Holiday season is here! This time of the year is exciting, filled with yummy Thanksgiving food (don’t mess up the mac and cheese y’all) and Christmas cheer. From decorating, to family time, cooking and exchanging gifts, there is alot going on. 

I don’t know about you, but this year has really flown by for me. With a little less than 2 months left in 2022, it can start to feel like time is running out to check things off of our to-do list. Although it can be overwhelming at times, there are ways you can pause and kick mounting stress to the curb this Holiday season. With some intentional planning and boundaries, you have the opportunity to make your Holiday season less stressful and much more jolly! Take a look below at 5 ways you can lower Holiday stress.

  1. Don’t overspend. Consumerism is alive and well, okay?! The pressures of spending money and buying more things are with us daily, but if you set and follow limits, you will find it more difficult to overspend. A good way to do this is to make a budget, or if you already have one, stick to it. No one wants to go into the New Year feeling like you’re already behind before it starts, all because of overspending during the Holidays. 
  2. Set a deadline to complete your shopping. Scrambling last minute to finish grocery shopping for your Thanksgiving dinner or for your Christmas presents is no fun, zero stars, two thumbs down…I could go on, but you get my point. By simply taking a little time to look ahead and plan to have all of your shopping completed ahead of time, it takes so much pressure off of you. Try asking your loved ones for their Christmas lists and complete your shopping 1-2 months before Christmas- this plan still gives you enough time to shop Black Friday sales!
  3. Shop online. A major hack and one of my personal favorites, shopping online saves you both time and money. Why stand in lines, potentially encounter a holiday Scrooge or two and spend overpriced gas money when you can shop 24/7 from the comfort of your home? I also find that online shopping has a larger selection of items, whereas a particular store location may not have all of the items from your list in stock. It’s the convenience for me!
  4. Don’t overeat. I know, I know. With all the beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, you name it, food is all around us in especially large quantities this time of the year. I know I plan to indulge a bit, but will not overdo it. Try eating one plate and resist the urge to fill it up. Then after meals, go for a walk. Oh and drink LOTS of water. You will be glad you didn’t overeat and end up with extra pounds to lose in the New Year.
  5. Look ahead! Speaking of the New Year, what better way to start off on the right foot, than to get a headstart? That’s right, show up to 2023 a little early! Grab a new planner, make some notes and start looking forward to all the wonderful plans that lie ahead for you!