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Embracing a life of convenience and joy.

Daisy Parks

Hi I’m Daisy, so glad you’re here! I created this blog to share lifestyle content and my love for the things that bring ease and joy into our (busy) lives. I’ve loved reading and writing for as long as I can remember and began sharing lifestyle and wellness content in 2019.

After the birth of my second daughter in 2022, I found myself with a lot of questions as I searched for ways to make life easier as we adjusted to life as a family of 4. Little did I know, it would lead to the birth of my blog.

Through visuals and useful content, my goal is to invite you to think and live differently. This is a place where ease and happiness are delighted to meet you and eager to leave a lasting impact in your life. My hope is that you visit often and always find something here that will inspire you. Thank you for sharing this space with me and may we always have convenience and joy.

My Forever Partner in Everything

Meet my Husband, Reginald. A world class Dad, fitness enthusiast (especially cycling) and all around amazing human being. He is my biggest supporter and keeps me accountable. 

Our Babies

Adalyn, our first born- smart, energetic and loves to read. She is a Mama’s girl and her Daddy’s twin.  Alivia, our second born- even as a newborn, she is smart and keenly aware of herself and others. She is a Mama’s girl and her Mama’s twin. We can’t wait to see the wonderful things both the near and distant future holds for these two!